OPEN CALL: DO Impact calls Capacity Building training for Social Economy Enabling Organisations
DO Impact - Digital and Data-Driven Opportunities to strengthen the Social Economy Impact, is a EU funded project aimed at empowering Social Economy SMEs and Social Economy Enabling Organisations in the Proximity and Social Economy (PSE) sector by integrating digital solutions and data-driven...
ELBE EUROCLUSTER has opened the first call for Financial Support To Training
ELBE EUROCLUSTER has published its video at YouTube
GEMSTONE TRAIN call for Financial support for Training
GEMSTONE call – Financial support for Training (TRAIN) aims to facilitate the connexion between training providers and SMEs and to support SMEs capacity building. The training to be carried out by the beneficiary in the framework of this call must have a clear link with the challenges of the Green...
Packaging Cluster presents its agenda of activities 2023 and 6 technical courses
New training course on public procurement of innovation available
The HAePPI training course, which will help you understand the public procurement of innovation, is open! The training course, free and open to anyone interested, offers an estimated 30 hours of training based on five different modules: 1. Introduction to public procurement in relation to SMEs...