Support Programme


CD2E - Creation Development of Eco-Enterprise in Haut-de-France

All sectors
best practices, Industrial symbiosis, Networking
Target group:
All types of companies and organisations
Energy Materials Water
Where is this support available:

The Creation Development of Eco-Enterprise is one of the largest clusters in France and Europe to work on eco-technologies, bringing together around 250 members (companies, research centres, entrepreneurs, public institutions, etc.) in the Haut-de-France region. It has developed tools and actions to support companies in the domains of energy and material efficiency.

On its website, companies can directly access a number of resources:

  • Three company repositories (eco-companies, eco-building companies, regional lab)
  • Online automatic calculation tool of thermal resistance and phase shift for materials
  • Eco-material database
  • Document database (including topics on water, waste, ecodesign, ecobuilding, etc.)
  • Online market for waste sales and industrial symbiosis
  • Personalised and practical services to companies on market strategies, competitiveness, professional networking, monitoring, technical and financial strategies, and more

CD2E also fosters innovation in eco-technologies by promoting the results of regional environmental research, stimulating collaboration between companies and laboratories, and encouraging technology transfer and awareness of new eco-innovation developments.