The demand for advanced materials is expected to increase significantly in the coming years. Advanced materials are intentionally designed and engineered materials to display superior performance or special functions, which can be developed with unprecedented speed thanks to today's scientific understanding and computing power. They are fundamental for example for innovation in energy, electronics, construction, and mobility, and therefore crucial for the green and digital transition. They are needed for instance to produce renewable energy, batteries, zero-emission buildings, semiconductors, medicines and medical devices, satellites, space launchers, planes or for other dual-use applications as well as defence equipment. The European Commission has proposed an encompassing strategy to move towards EU industrial leadership in advanced materials, putting forward concrete steps enabling to align research and innovation priorities and investments in the EU.
The European Cluster Collaboration Platform, on behalf of the European Commission, organised the EU Clusters Talk “Leading the twin transition: Advanced materials as key enabling technology” on 10 April, 8:30 – 9:45 CET, to present the strategy to move towards EU industrial leadership in advanced materials, discuss the challenges, and hear about cluster activity in this field.
Speakers included:
- Philipp Runge, Legal and Policy Officer, DG GROW, European Commission
- Sofie Nørager, Deputy Head of Unit, DG RTD, European Commission
- Annabelle Sion-Henry, Head of European Affairs, POLYMERIS
- Eva Milella, President, IMAST Italian technological district for the engineering of polymeric and composite materials and structures
- Magdalena Cholewińska-Falarz, Chief Innovation Officer, Silesian Nano Cluster
This event is part of regular online meetings brought to the cluster community by the European Cluster Collaboration Platform. They offer up-to-date insights into the latest industrial policies and clusters’ involvement, projects, and best practices, the latest ECCP news, and funding opportunities. The EU Clusters Talks are a space to exchange knowledge and to discuss cluster-relevant topics, which will change with every meeting.
Please find here the summary and the slides of this EU Clusters Talk.
Watch the full recording of the webinar: