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With increasing digitalisation, the threat of cyber-attacks is rising not only for the administration and critical infrastructures, but also for small and medium-sized companies. Survey data show that the quality and scope of cyber-attacks have been increasing in the past years. While large companies are already relying on AI or machine learning to protect themselves against cyber threats, SMEs often lack the human and financial resources to deal with this challenge. In addition, new questions about IT security are constantly arising in view of the dynamic developments, which makes it harder to respond efficiently. Clusters can play an important role in strengthening their members in the field of cybersecurity by raising their members' awareness of cyber dangers, providing information, pooling know-how in the network and ultimately enabling knowledge transfer.

The European Cluster Collaboration Platform, on behalf of the European Commission, organised the EU Clusters Talk “Collaborate to protect: Network intelligence for cybersecurity” on 18 October 2023, 8:30 – 9:45 CET, to raise awareness of the importance of having protective mechanisms in place and learn how SMEs and clusters are handling cybersecurity in their network.

Speakers included:

  • Miroslav Lučinskij, CEO, Critical Security, member of BCCS Cluster.
  • Stelian Brad, Professor in Intelligent Robotics and Innovation Engineering, President Cluj IT Cluster.
  • Teofilo Redondo, Manager of Technology and Innovation, Bidaidea, member of AEI Ciberseguridad.
  • Filippo Bosi, CEO, Imola Informatica, Vice-President of Clust-ER Innovate.

Watch the full recording of the webinar:

This event is part of regular online meetings brought to the cluster community by the European Cluster Collaboration Platform. They offer up-to-date insights into the latest industrial policies and clusters’ involvement, projects, and best practices, the latest ECCP news, and funding opportunities. The EU Clusters Talks are a space to exchange knowledge and discuss cluster-relevant topics, which will change with every meeting.



Please find below the summary and the slides of this EU Clusters Talk which includes the key takeaways from the session.

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