Web application helps to minimise food waste in restaurants

Lassila&Tikanoja Oyj, 2018


Manufacture of food, beverages and tobacco Accommodation and food service activities
Investment cost:
Low cost
Cost savings:
Annual cost savings were estimated at € 20 000 (restaurant of 400 customers)
Investment cost:
Waste Master involves a monthly fee and expert coaching in the introduction phase
Payback time:
A return on investment in terms of cost savings of 3-10 months
Low cost

Finnish businesses have developed several digital and smart technology-based applications and solutions to reduce food waste in restaurants.

An example of such web-based applications is the Waste Master (Hävikkimestari) system for tracking and minimising food waste and coaching services. The web application is designed for and with restaurant personnel. Staff members quickly and easily weigh and log the amount of food waste and its causes in the program. The application breaks down the data into highly visual and easy to read formats which the restaurant team can review in search of opportunities to improve particular processes in line with Lean working methods. It is important to include the whole team when deciding on which ideas are introduced to reduce food waste.

The data is saved in the cloud and can be accessed in real time from any browser. This gives the management a good overview of the waste created through its operations, as well as its causes and the measures employed to tackle it. This makes spreading best practices in the organisation more transparent and comparable.


  • The results achieved with the aid of Waste Master are impressive. Waste from storing, cooking and serving food decreased by 45 % in only six months. The environmental impact of food was reduced significantly and annual cost savings were estimated at € 20 000 (restaurant of 400 customers)
  • It is also possible to log also food waste from customers’ plates
  • It provides a visualised overview which helps catering staff to identify at a glance any areas where waste could be reduced
  • Restaurants can save 3-9 % off the groceries by minimising their food waste. Less waste can also mean less waste management fees
  • Typically, the savings have exceeded the cost of deployment after 3 to 10 months

Waste master application, http://havikkimestari.lassila-tikanoja.fi/

Introduction video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97zzgqdOi50

Service provider - Lassila & Tikanoja, https://www.lt.fi/en

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