European Alliance Against Coronavirus: current agenda and list of previous recordings

By: Antonio Novo Guerrero
Created: 21 April 2020 - 08:04
Updated: 22 September 2021 - 09:09

This is the current agenda for the meetings of the European Alliance Against Coronavirus can be found here.

The links to the previous meetings (recodings and summaries) are here.

If you want to get in contact with the organisers and be included in the mailing list of this group please write to nina.hoppmann [at] (subject: Email%20list%20of%20the%20European%20Alliance%20Against%20Coronavirus, body: Dear%20Nina.%0AI%20want%20to%20be%20included%20in%20the%20email%20list%20of%20the%20European%20Alliance%20Against%20Coronavirus.%0AMy%20personal%20data%3A%0AName%3A%0AEntity%3A%0Aemail%3A%0A) (nina.hoppmann[at]

Alina Capitanu
29 May 2020
European Alliance Against Coronavirus

The initiatives European Alliance Against Coronavirus and Covid-19 Industrial Clusters Response Portal have been very usefull in facilitating the interaction of IMAGO-MOL Cluster with the European Clusters community, giving us the opportunity to present  our Concrete actions and results in the context of COVID-19 pandemia, during the session from 29 of April 2020. 

The support of open discussion between European clusters that can share their experiences, solutions, requests is very much needed in the NextGenerationEU, consequently IMAGO-MOL Cluster has updated its Strategic Agenda by including projects designed to address the lessons learnt during the coronavirus crisis, to tackle the health threats, to strengthening the regional health system, to support health innovation, to improve crisis management capacity. 

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