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European Cluster Partnership or initiative
European Cluster Partnership or initiative
European Cluster Partnership or initiative
European Cluster Partnership or initiative
In recent years the manufacturing sector has been one of the stable pillars of European economic growth and therefore prosperity. Photonics, as one of the advanced technologies for industry identified
European Cluster Partnership or initiative
The BRIDGESMEs project aims to assist European SMEs in five industrial ecosystems (Mobility, Transport & Automotive; Aerospace & Defence; Electronics; Cultural & Creative Industries; Tourism) in re
European Cluster Partnership or initiative
Value4Pack originates from the S3 Partnership Food Packaging with the aim of strengthening the capacity, competitiveness and resilience of stakeholders in the European food packaging value chain, in
European Cluster Partnership or initiative
The overall goal of “enHancing dIgital and Green growtH in the Food processing industry via Interregional innoVation invEstments” (HIGHFIVE) is to foster, enable and facilitate SME targeted and
European Cluster Partnership or initiative
AGRIFOOD4FUTURE is a world-class ERASMUS+ initiative aimed at building VET skills and educational programs addressing the needs of the “agriculture of the future”. By bringing together European
European Cluster Partnership or initiative
DEBUTING aims to improve 10 policy instruments to (better) address gender equality in industry supporting at least 10% of clustered SMEs to become more competitive by 2026. We want to:
increase the
European Cluster Partnership or initiative
ASSETs+ aims to build a sustainable human resources supply chain for the European Defence Industry, that boosts innovation by both attracting highly-skilled young workers and upskilling its employees
European Cluster Partnership or initiative
Food-scalEUp is a collaborative project involving 10 organisations covering 11 regions (5 emerging & moderate innovator regions and 6 leader and strong innovator regions, according to the regional
European Cluster Partnership or initiative
PENELOPE aims to develop, transfer, and implement innovative practices on gender mainstreaming strategies in SMEs following a cluster-based methodological approach to build gender-inclusive cultures