Energy efficiency

Community News

The Catalan Energy Cluster 2024 Barometer Reveals Strong Sector Optimism, but Bureaucratic Barriers Persist

Companies and organizations within the energy and energy efficiency sectors continue to express optimism about the economic outlook, both in the present and for the near future. This is one of the key findings of the 2024 Energy Barometer, an opinion survey conducted by the Catalan Energy Cluster...

Community News

Launch of the LIFE Clean Energy Transition "AENEAM" project newsletter

The AENEAM project aims to accelerate the transition of the EU agri-food industry towards a sustainable growth model by increasing the uptake of recommended measures from energy audits. The project will encourage companies, mainly SMEs, to undergo energy audits and subsequently implement the...

Community News

The Catalan Energy Cluster presents the results of the Energy Barometer 2023

• The opinion survey, aimed at representatives of the more than 220 organizations that belong to the cluster, and other relevant agents in the energy field, look to find out the current state of the sector. • According to the results, 84% of the organizations in the sector call for simplifying the...
Community News

The CEEC and Catalan Sports Cluster promote a project to improve energy efficiency in Catalan sports facilities

The Catalan Energy Efficiency Cluster (CEEC), the Catalan Sports Industry Cluster (INDESCAT) and Leitat Technology Center organized the session 'How do we improve energy efficiency in sports facilities?' on Wednesday, 5 of July at Fabrik Gracia ( Barcelona). The event was part of Green Energy...


Enterprise Europe Network Energy Efficiency Action (SMP-COSME-2023-EENEE)

EEN members are invited to apply for this call, which aims to identify SMEs that will benefit from direct financial support to third parties of up to EUR 10 000 Background In line with the objectives of the European Commission’s winter energy package of July 2022, the RepowerEU Plan and the...
Community News

The Energy Cluster of Catalonia has been awarded with the Gold Label from the European Clusters Labelling Excellence Structure, which recognizes excellence in cluster management

The Energy Cluster of Catalonia has recently received the Gold Label, the highest recognition given by the European Clusters Labelling Excellence Structure (EUCLES) . The European Clusters Labelling Excellence Structure awards those clusters which have proven high standards in cluster management and...