REC-N-COMP is nearing completion after a successful mission to Singapore

Submitted by Robin Oddon on 05 October 2023


The international REC-N-COMP project, aimed at supporting the internationalization of European SMEs in the field of technologies for the production and use of recycled materials-based composites, is coming to an end. After an intense period of trade missions to the USA, Japan and Singapore, which brought many benefits to small and medium-sized enterprises from Poland, Italy, Belgium and France, the project remains in the final stage of implementation.

During the trade missions, research centers, business support institutions and enterprises from the composites sector were visited. B2B meetings were organized with foreign partners, which enabled the exchange of knowledge and experience and created opportunities for future cooperation. Additionally, workshops were held presenting European technologies for the production and use of recycled composites, which was a valuable contribution to the development of innovative solutions in the industry.

The last trade mission under the project took place in September. During this mission, participants had the opportunity to learn about the dynamic Asian market. Singapore is a region with great development potential in the composites and recycling sector. Project participants took part in many interesting events during Singapore Design Week. They participated in the FIND – Design Fair Asia. They also met with EuroCham Singapore at the headquarters of the European Union Delegation to Singapore. The mission also included B2B meetings and visits to Research Institutes and Singaporean companies.

Currently, the REC-N-COMP project is coming to an end, with only two project meetings left to complete this 2.5-year period of intense work and collaboration. The effects of the project are already visible in the form of established business contacts, exchanged experiences and the promotion of European technologies in the automotive, textile and furniture sectors. This project is an excellent example of effective international cooperation that can support the development of European businesses and contribute to the further growth of these industries.

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