
Community News

Two new European projects to maximize impact of innovation in BioRegion of Catalonia

Biocat has started working, in conjunction with partners all over Europe, on the European BRIGHT and INNAXE projects to maximize the impact of innovation generated in the BioRegion and align the organization’s strategy with current European and international trends in the life sciences and...
Community News

Big business opportunities in the Big Science market

Millions and billions of dollars are spent daily to construct telescopes, synchrotrons, and other Big Science infrastructures to solve the most challenging questions of our societies of today. These infrastructures are not only the home of future technologies, such as the internet, medical...
Community News

The Packaging Cluster visits three continents on different international missions

The entity seeks to open new markets in foreign countries to learn about good practices and establish business connections In recent months the Cluster has been present in Amsterdam, Belgium, Mumbai, Thessaloniki, Tunisia and Dijon This tour is part of European projects such as Safe Smart Food or...
Community News

Online Event "Clusters Exchange Best Practices" Save the date

We are inviting you to our EVOLUTE Peer learning workshop, the 21st of September, from 10:00 to 11:30. EVOLUTE project will build high performance clusters in the Automotive and Land Machinery Industry by strengthening the skills and deepening the know-how of 6 clusters in Europe. Cluster managers...

Community News

CLAMTEX participated in a hands-on digital capability training in Aachen with its members

Several members from CLAMTEX clusters, participated in a custom training on digitalization for the textile industry at the Digital Capability Center Aachen, from ITA Academy. The training was funded within the project, CLAMTEX - Cluster management towards excellence in Advanced Manufacturing and...
Community News

The BIGINN project will mark a new beginning for business and Big Science Innovation

On 9-10 th of February 2022, at the headquarter of Danish Technological Institute, cluster, project “BIGINN” was officially launched. It is a 24-month project that pursues the objective of mobilizing clusters in order to exploit the potential of innovation and international cooperation...